contention noun]kənˈtent.ʃən/ DISAGREEMENT 不和 uncountable ■the disagreement that results from opposing arguments 争论;纷争;口角•There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.那个问题争议很多——有一人坚决支持,就有一人激烈反对。 •The matter has been settled - it's no longer in contention.这个问题已经解决——不再有争议。 noun]kənˈtent.ʃən/ OPINION 观点 countable slightly formal ■an opinion expressed in an argument 论点;主张;看法•[+ that] It is her contention that exercise is more important than diet if you want to lose weight.她的看法是,要想减肥,锻炼比节食更重要。 noun]kənˈtent.ʃən/ IN A COMPETITION 比赛中 be in/out of contention for sth ■to be able/not able to achieve or win something, especially in sport (尤指在体育运动中)有/没机会赢得…•This decisive defeat puts them out of contention for this year's championship finals.这次决定性的失利使他们无缘进入今年的冠军决赛。 |