bruise [bru:z] noun countable ADVANCED ■an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something 碰伤,瘀伤•His arms and back were covered in bruises.他手臂和背部到处是瘀伤。 •She had a few cuts and bruises but nothing serious.她有几处伤口和瘀痕,但不严重。 •One or two of the peaches had bruises on them.有一两个桃子上有碰伤的痕迹。 [bru:z] verb intransitive or transitive ■to develop a bruise or to cause someone or something to have a bruise (使)出现伤痕;撞伤;碰伤•How did you bruise your arm?你胳膊上的瘀伤是怎么弄的? •Bananas and other soft fruits bruise easily.香蕉和其他较软的水果都极易碰伤。 [bru:z] verb intransitive or transitive bruise your ego ■If an experience bruises your ego, it upsets you because it makes you feel less valuable or important 伤了…的自尊•I don't think it broke Steve's heart when Cherise left him, but it certainly bruised his ego.我想雪妮丝离开了史蒂夫并没有让他心碎,但却的确挫伤了他的自尊心。 |