compose UK [kəm'pəʊz] US [-'poʊz] verb PRODUCE ART 创作艺术 intransitive or transitive ■to produce music, poetry or formal writing 作曲;创作(乐曲、诗歌);着(书)•Prokofiev started composing at the age of five.普罗高菲夫五岁就开始作曲了。 •The music was specially composed for the film.这音乐是专门为该电影创作的。 •a piece of music composed for the flute为长笛而谱写的乐曲 •He composed this poem for his wife.他为妻子写了这首诗。 •formal My lawyer is going to compose a letter of complaint.我的律师要拟写一份投诉状。 UK [kəm'pəʊz] US [-'poʊz] verb FORM 由…构成 be composed of sth ■to be formed from various things 由…组成,由…构成•Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.空气主要由氮和氧组成。 •The committee is composed of MPs, doctors, academics and members of the public.委员会由议员、医生、学者和普通民众组成。 •The audience was composed largely of young people.观众中大部分都是年轻人。 transitive ■to be the parts that something is made of 组成,构成•At that time, women composed only 1.6% of the US forces.那个时期,美军中的女性只占1.6%的比例。 UK [kəm'pəʊz] US [-'poʊz] verb BECOME CALM 使镇静 compose yourself ■to make yourself calm again after being angry or upset 使自己镇定;使自己平静下来•She finally stopped crying and composed herself.她终于停止哭泣,安静了下来。 compose your features/thoughts ■to try to make yourself look or feel calm after being angry or upset 使表情/思绪镇定•I tried to compose my features into a smile.我极力使表情平静下来,露出一丝微笑。 •He took a minute or two to compose his thoughts before he replied.他用一两分钟平静了思绪后才作出回答。 UK [kəm'pəʊz] US [-'poʊz] verb ARRANGE TEXT 编排文本 transitive specialized ■to arrange words, sentences, pages, etc. in preparation for printing 排版 |