释义 |
cipher UK ['saɪ.fər] US [-fɚ] noun SECRET LANGUAGE 密语 (also cypher) countable or uncountable specialized ■a system of writing that prevents most people from understanding the message; a code 密码;暗号•The message was written in cipher.讯息是用密码写的。 UK ['saɪ.fər] US [-fɚ] noun PERSON 人 countable formal disapproving ■a person or group of people without power, but used by others for their own purposes, or someone who is not important 为人所利用的小人物;无名小卒;无足轻重的人•The interim government is a mere cipher for military rule.过度政府不过是军事统治的一枚棋子。 UK ['saɪ.fər] US [-fɚ] noun NUMBER 数字 countable US ■a zero 零•If you have no children, enter a cipher in the space on the form.如果你没有孩子,在表上的空格里填零。 |