bump [bʌmp] verb HIT 撞击 ADVANCED intransitive + adverb or preposition ■to hit something with force 碰;撞•She bumped into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap.她碰着了他的盘子,把食物撞翻到了他的腿上。 ADVANCED transitive usually + adverb or preposition ■to hurt part of your body by hitting it against something hard (身体部位)碰上,撞上(硬物)•I bumped my head on the shelf as I stood up.我起身时头撞在了书架上。 [bʌmp] verb TRAVEL 前进 intransitive + adverb or preposition ■to travel, usually in a vehicle, in an uncomfortable way because the surface you are moving over is rough 颠簸而行•We bumped along the track in our car holding on to our seats.汽车沿着小路颠簸而行,我们紧紧抓牢座位坐好。 [bʌmp] verb Phrasal Verbs bump into sb ■to meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them 与(某人)不期而遇•We bumped into Alison when we were in London last week.我们上周在伦敦撞见了爱丽森。 [bʌmp] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] bump sb off slang ■to murder someone 杀死(某人) [bʌmp] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] bump sth up informal ■to increase the amount or size of something 增加,提高(数量或尺寸)•The distributors will probably bump up the price of the software when the next version is released.该软体的下一版本发行时经销商很可能要提价。 [bʌmp] noun countable RAISED AREA 凸起 ■a round, raised area on a surface or on the body 隆起;凸块;肿块•Her bicycle hit a bump in the road and threw her off.脚踏车撞上了路上的一个鼓包,她摔了下来。 •Tim had a nasty bump on his head from when he'd fallen over.蒂姆摔倒了,脑袋上磕了个大肿包。 [bʌmp] noun countable HIT 撞击 ■the sound of something falling to the ground (东西落地时发出的)碰撞声•We heard a bump from the next room.我们听见隔壁房间有东西掉在地上的声音。 ■an accident involving a car, especially one which is not serious (尤指不严重的)撞车•A van drove into their car but luckily it was just a bump.一辆货车撞上了他们的车,所幸只是碰了一下。 |