释义 |
abdicate ['æb.dɪ.keɪt] verb KING/QUEEN 国王/皇后 intransitive or transitive ■If a king or queen abdicates, they make a formal statement that they no longer want to be king or queen 逊位;退(位),让(位),正式放弃(王位)•King Edward VIII abdicated (the British throne) in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman.为了和离过婚的辛普森夫人结婚,英王爱德华八世在1936年退位(放弃英国王位)。 ['æb.dɪ.keɪt] verb NOT DO 不做 abdicate responsibility formal disapproving ■to stop controlling or managing something that you are in charge of 放弃职责•She was accused of abdicating all responsibility for the project.她因为对这个项目完全撒手不管而受到了指责。 |