you [ju:] /jə] /jʊ] pronoun PERSON/PEOPLE ADDRESSED 所称呼的一个人/多个人 ESSENTIAL ■used to refer to the person or people being spoken or written to 你;您;你们•You look nice.你看起来不错。 •I love。 •You said I could go with you.你说过我可以和你一起去。 •You're coming tonight, aren't you?你今晚会过来,对吗? •Are you two ready?你俩准备好了吗? •You painted that yourself? You clever girl!那个是你自己画的?你真是个聪明的姑娘! Common Learner Errors you or your?Warning: do not confuse the pronoun you with the determiner your : ✗ I was so pleased to receive you letter.I was so pleased to receive your letter. [ju:] /jə] /jʊ] pronoun PEOPLE GENERALLY 泛指人 ESSENTIAL ■people in general (泛指)你,任何人•You learn to accept these things as you get older.年纪大些之后,你开始学会接受这些事情。 •You can't get a driving licence till you're seventeen in this country.在这个国家,17岁以下人士不能获得驾驶执照。 •Too much alcohol is bad for you.饮酒过量对身体有害。 •How do you get this thing to start?怎样才能令这东西启动? [ju:] /jə] /jʊ] pronoun you got it US informal ■used to say that you will quickly do what someone has asked you to do 用于表示很快就完成对方要求你做的事情•"Would you get me a coffee?" "Sure, you got it!"“你能帮我拿杯咖啡么?”“没问题,马上就来。” |