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单词 | wrong |
释义 | wrong UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective NOT CORRECT 不正确 ESSENTIAL ■not correct 错误的;不正确的 •Three of your answers were wrong.你的回答中有三个是错的。 •That clock is wrong - it's 12.30 not 12.15.那个时钟不准——是12:30,不是12:15。 •Some of his facts are questionable, others are plainly Compare right ESSENTIAL ■If someone is wrong, they are not correct in their judgment or statement about something 弄错的;判断错的 •You were wrong about •He's wrong in prove sb wrong ■to show by your actions that someone's judgment of you was not correct 证明(某人)是错误的 •I thought she couldn't do it, but she proved me wrong.我原以为她做不来这件事,但她证明我错了。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective NOT SUITABLE 不合适的 ESSENTIAL ■not suitable or correct, or not as it should be 不合适的;不想要的;不应该的 •She's the wrong person for the job.她不是这份工作的合适人选。 •We must have taken a wrong turning.我们一定是拐错弯了。 •I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number Compare right ADVANCED ■describes something that is not considered to be socially acceptable or suitable 不正当的;不可取的 •She got in with the wrong crowd (= a group of people who were not considered socially acceptable) at university.她上大学时结交了一群狐群狗党。 ADVANCED ■If you ask someone what is wrong, you want to know what is worrying or upsetting them 烦恼的;不顺心的 •You've been quiet all evening. Is there anything wrong?你整晚都很沉默,有甚么不顺心的事吗? •What's wrong with you today?你今天怎么了? the wrong way round/around ■If something is the wrong way round/around, the part that should be at the front is at the back 前后弄反的(地),颠倒的(地) •You've got your skirt on the wrong way round.你把裙子反过来穿了。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective IMMORAL 不道德的 ADVANCED ■not considered morally acceptable by most people 不道德的;不正当的;不对的 •Children should be taught that violence is wrong.应该教育孩子暴力是不良行为。 •It •What's wrong with Opposite rightUK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective NOT WORKING 不工作的 [after verb] ■not working correctly 不正常运作的;出毛病的 •Something's wrong with •The doctors are still trying to find out UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective catch sb on the wrong foot ■If something catches you on the wrong foot, you are not prepared for it 令(某人)措手不及 •I hadn't expected the question and it caught me on the wrong foot.我没有预料到这个问题,它使我措手不及。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective get the wrong end of the stick informal ■to not understand a situation correctly 误解 •Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and got the wrong end of the stick.她的朋友看到我们一同到达聚会现场,便产生了误解。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective get / fall into the wrong hands ■If something gets/falls into the wrong hands, a dangerous person or enemy starts to control it 落到危险分子(或敌人)手里 •If this sort of information fell into the wrong hands, we could be in serious trouble.如果这种消息让对手知道,我们就麻烦了。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective go down the wrong way ■If food or drink goes down the wrong way, it goes down the wrong tube in your throat and causes you to cough or stop breathing for a short time. (食物或饮料)误入气管,呛到了 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adjective send / give out (all) the wrong signals ■to give an incorrect message 传达一个错误讯息 •If the government refuses to provide aid, it would send out all the wrong signals to the rest of the world.如果政府拒绝提供援助,这将向世界上的其他国家传达错误的讯息。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adverb IMPROVER informal ■in a way that is not correct 错误地;不对 •You've spelt my name wrong.你把我的名字拼写错了。 ⇒ See also wronglyget sth wrong informal ■to make a mistake in the way you answer or understand something 答错;理解错 •I spent hours doing that calculation and I still got the answer wrong.我花了好几个小时解那道计算题,但还是做错了。 •You've got it all wrong - it was your boss that she was annoyed with and not you!你完全理解错了——让她生气的是你们老板,而不是你! go wrong IMPROVER ■If a situation or event goes wrong, it becomes unpleasant and is not a success 出问题;不如意;失败 •Our marriage began to go wrong after we had our first child.我们在有了第一个孩子之后,婚姻开始出现问题。 ADVANCED ■to make a mistake 犯错误;弄错 •These shelves are very easy to put together - you can't go wrong.这些架子很容易组装——你不会弄错的。 •I thought I'd done this correctly, I just can't understand where I've gone wrong.我以为自己这样做是对的,我就是不明白错在哪里。 ■If a machine goes wrong, it stops working correctly. (机器)出毛病,不正常运作•Our TV keeps going wrong.我们的电视一直有毛病。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] adverb don't get me wrong ■said when you think someone might not understand what you say, or be upset by it 别误会 •Don't get me wrong - I'd love to come but I'm too busy next week.别误会——我确实想来,但是我下个礼拜太忙了。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] noun uncountable ■what is considered to be morally unacceptable 不道德;不正当;错误 •He has no sense of right and •I was brought up to tell the truth and know right from •As far as her parents are concerned, she can do no countable ■an unfair action 冤枉;不公平的行为 •He has done •She was trying to right in the wrong ■If someone is in the wrong, they have made a mistake or done something which is bad or illegal 犯错误;不对 •The driver was unquestionably in the wrong.毫无疑问是那个司机不对。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] noun Two wrongs don't make a right. saying ■said to emphasize that it is not acceptable to do something bad to someone just because they did something bad to you first 以牙还牙是不可取的。 UK [rɒŋ] US [rɑ:ŋ] verb transitive formal ■to treat someone in an unfair or unacceptable way 不公正地对待;冤枉 •She felt deeply |
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