two-way ['tu:.weɪ] adjective DIRECTION 方向 [before noun] ■moving or allowing movement in both directions 双向的;可双向通行的•a two-way street可双向通行的街道 ['tu:.weɪ] adjective RADIO 无线电 [before noun] ■describes radios that can both send out and receive signals (无线电)收发两用的 ['tu:.weɪ] adjective RELATIONSHIP 关系 ■describes a situation that involves two people or two groups of people working together to achieve a shared aim 双方的;相互的;彼此的•Negotiations are a two-way thing - both sides have to come to a compromise.谈判是双方的事——双方都必须作出妥协。 •Remember, friendships are a two-way street (= both people have to make an effort).记住,友谊是需要双方共同付出努力的。 |