individual [ˌɪn.dɪ'vɪd.ju.əl] noun countable SINGLE 单个 ESSENTIAL ■a single person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to which they belong 个人,个体•Every individual has rights which must never be taken away.每个人都有一些不可剥夺的权利。 •Like many creative individuals, she can be very bad-tempered.像许多富有创造力的人一样,她的脾气有时会很不好。 •We try to treat our students as individuals.我们力图把学生当成独立的个体来对待。 [ˌɪn.dɪ'vɪd.ju.əl] noun countable DIFFERENT 不同的 ■a person who thinks or behaves in their own original way (思想或行为)与众不同的人,有个性的人•If nothing else, the school will turn her into an individual.即使不能有其他建树,这所学校至少会将她培养成一个有其独特气质的人。 [ˌɪn.dɪ'vɪd.ju.əl] adjective SINGLE 单个 ESSENTIAL [before noun] ■existing and considered separately from the other things or people in a group 个体的,个人的•Each individual table is finished by hand.每一张桌子都是手工制的。 ESSENTIAL [before noun] ■given to or relating to a single, separate person or thing 单个的•We deal with each case on an individual basis.我们单独处理每个病例。 [ˌɪn.dɪ'vɪd.ju.əl] adjective DIFFERENT 不同的 ■belonging or relating to, or suitable for, people or things that are different or particular in some way 独特的,特有的•children with individual needs有各自需求的孩子 •Marion has a very individual writing style.玛丽安的写作风格与众不同。 |