wheeze [wi:z] verb intransitive ■to make a high, rough noise while breathing because of some breathing difficulty (因呼吸困难而)发出粗重的呼吸声,喘息,发出呼哧呼哧声•I could hear the old man behind me wheezing.我能听到身后的老人呼哧呼哧的喘气声。 •I know when I've been smoking too much because I start to wheeze when I run for a train.我知道自己抽烟太多,因为我在跑着赶火车时开始会喘了。 [wi:z] noun countable PLAN 计划 UK old-fashioned informal ■a clever and often unusual idea or plan, especially one which is intended to achieve a profit or some other advantage (尤指为获利而想出的)巧计,计谋•As a part of their latest marketing wheeze they've planted fifty-pound notes in a number of the crisp packets.作为最新的市场行销手段的一部分,他们将50英镑的钞票放进了一些炸薯片的包装里。 •So the public actually pay to feed the animals in the zoo? That seems like a good wheeze.那么人们实际上是花钱来喂动物园里的动物?这听起来像个好主意。 •I've had a wheeze - why don't we put both kids in the small room and that will leave the back room free.我有个主意——为甚么不把两个孩子放在那间小一点的屋子里,这样后面的屋子就可以空出来了。 [wi:z] noun countable BREATH 呼吸 ■a high, rough noise made when someone cannot breathe easily (因呼吸困难而)发出粗重的呼吸声,喘息,发出呼哧呼哧声•The cough, wheeze and shortness of breath are things that go with smoking, not with age.咳嗽、气喘和气短不是因为上了年纪,而是因为吸烟引起的。 |