uncertain UK [ʌn'sɜ:.tən] US [-'sɝ:-] adjective ADVANCED ■not knowing what to do or believe, or not able to decide about something 拿不定主意的,犹豫的•[+ question word] She's uncertain wh ether to go to New Zealand or not.她对是否去纽西兰犹豫不决。 •Bridie was uncertain about meeting him.布赖迪拿不定主意是否见他。 ADVANCED ■not known or fixed, or not completely certain 未知的;不确定的;不完全确定的•New arrivals face an uncertain future.新来的人面临着无法预料的未来。 •The political outlook is still uncertain.政治前景仍难以预料。 |