ramble ['ræm.bl] verb WALK 散步 intransitive usually + adverb or preposition ■to walk for pleasure, especially in the countryside (尤指在乡间)漫步,漫游,闲逛•I love to ramble through the fields and lanes in this part of the country.我喜欢在这片乡村地区的田野和小路上漫步。 •Shall we go rambling tomorrow?我们明天到乡间去散步好不好? ['ræm.bl] verb TALK/WRITE 说/写 intransitive disapproving ■to talk or write in a confused way, often for a long time 语无伦次地闲扯;没完没了地胡乱说;信笔乱写•Sorry, I'm rambling (on)- let me get back to the point.对不起,扯远了——我再回到要点上来。 ['ræm.bl] verb SPREAD 延伸 intransitive ■(especially of a plant) to go in many different directions (尤指植物)蔓生,蔓延•An old clematis rambles over the garden wall.一株老铁线莲爬满了花园的墙壁。 ['ræm.bl] noun countable ■a long walk especially through the countryside (尤指在乡间的)漫步,漫游,散步•We go for a ramble through the woods every Saturday.我们每个星期六都在林中漫步。 |