summit ['sʌm.ɪt] noun countable MEETING 会议 ADVANCED ■an important formal meeting between leaders of governments from two or more countries 高峰会,领袖会议,最高级会议•a summit meeting高峰会议 •World leaders will meet next week for their annual economic summit.世界各国领袖将在下周齐聚一堂,参加一年一度的经济高峰会。 ['sʌm.ɪt] noun countable HIGHEST POINT 最高点 ■the highest point of a mountain 山顶,顶峰•On this day in 1784, Dr Michel Paccard and Jacques Balmat reached the summit of Mont Blanc.1784年的今天,麦克‧帕卡德医生和雅克‧巴尔马特登上了勃朗峰的顶峰。 the summit ■the highest, most successful or most important point in something 顶峰,极点,巅峰•I certainly haven't reached the summit of my career.当然,我还没有达到事业的巅峰。 |