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单词 day
释义 day
[deɪ] noun countable
■a period of 24 hours, especially from 12 o'clock one night to 12 o'clock the next night 一天,一日
January has 31 days.一月份有31天。
the days of the week一周的七天
He runs five miles every day.他每天跑5英里。
It took us almost a day to get here.我们花了几乎一天的时间才到这里。
I saw him the day before yesterday.我前天见到他了。
We leave the day after tomorrow.我们后天离开。
He was last seen alive five days ago.人们最后一次见到他时,是在五日前,那时他还活着。
They haven't been seen for days (= for several days).他们有一段时间没露面了。
I'll be seeing Pat in a few days] in a few days' time.过几天我会见到派特。
How's your day been (= Have you enjoyed today) ?你今天过得好吗?
Have a nice day!祝你有愉快的一天!
I must get some sleep - I've got a big day (= an important day) tomorrow.我要睡一睡了——我明天有很重要的事。
■used to refer to the period in 24 hours when it is naturally light 白天,白昼
a bright, sunny day阳光明媚的一天
It's rained all day today.今天下了一整天的雨。
These animals sleep in the day and hunt at night.这些动物昼伏夜出。
■the time that you usually spend at work or at school 工作天;上课天
a normal working day正常的工作天
I work a seven-hour day.我每天工作七小时。
We're having to work a six-day week to cope with demand.为了满足需求,我们将不得不每周工作六天。
She's at home today - she's having a day off.她今天在家——她要休息一天。
the other day
■a few days ago 前几天,几天前
Didn't I see you in the post office the other day?前几天我不是在邮局见过你吗?
these days
■used to talk about the present time, in comparison with the past 现在,如今
Vegetarianism is very popular these days.现在很流行素食。
in those days
■in the past 过去,从前
In those days people used to write a lot more letters.过去人们多会写信。
any day now
■very soon, especially within the next few days 很快,过不了多久;(尤指)就这几天
The baby's due any day now.就这几天婴儿就要出生了。
by day
■when it is naturally light 白天,白天的时候
I prefer travelling by day.我喜欢在白天旅行。
day after day
■repeatedly, every day 日复一日,每天
The same problems keep coming up day after day.每天都会出现同样的问题。
day and night
■all the time 日夜,一直
You can hear the traffic from your room day and night.无论白天晚上你在房间里都会听到车辆的嘈杂声。
day by day
■every day, or more and more as each day passes 每天,天天;日益,越来越
Day by day he became weaker.他的身体日渐虚弱。
(from) day to day
■If something changes (from) day to day, it changes often 每天;时常
The symptoms of the disease change from day to day.这种疾病的症状每天都会发生变化。
the days
■a period in history 时期;时代
How did people communicate in the days before email?没有电子邮件的时候人们是怎样交流的?
to this day
■until now 到现在,直到今天
To this day nobody knows what happened to him.到现在也没人知道他到底出了甚么事。
[deɪ] noun countable
all in a day's work
■If something difficult, unpleasant or strange is all in a day's work for someone, it is a usual part of their job (棘手、不快或奇怪的事情)为分内工作
When you're a nurse, cleaning up vomit is all in a day's work.对护士来说,清理呕吐物就是分内工作。
[deɪ] noun countable
the best / happiest days of your life
■the most pleasant time you will ever have 最美好的时光
Adults are fond of telling children that their years at school are the best days of their life.成年人喜欢对孩子说上学那些年是他们一生当中最美好的时光。
[deɪ] noun countable
day in day out
■(especially of something boring) done or happening every day for a long period of time (尤指枯燥之事)一天接一天,日复一日
I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out.我每天都要做这些单调乏味的工作。
[deɪ] noun countable
sb's/sth's days are numbered
■If someone or something's days are numbered, they will not exist for much longer …的时日不多;(某人)将不久于人世
The latest opinion polls suggest that his days as leader are numbered.最新的民意调查显示,他在领导者的位置上坐不了多久。
[deɪ] noun countable
have had its/your day
■to be much less popular than before 风光不再,不比从前,不再走红
She sold a lot of books in the 1960's, but she's had her day.20世纪60年代她的书很畅销,但如今已经风光不再了。
[deɪ] noun countable
have your day in court
■to get an opportunity to give your opinion on something or to explain your actions after they have been criticized 争取机会(公开地)发表意见或为自己的行为辩护
She was determined to get her day in court and the TV interview would give it to her.她决心要公开发表意见。接受电视采访正是一个好机会。
[deɪ] noun countable
in all my (born) days
■in all of my life 一生,一辈子
I've never seen anything so strange in all my born days.我一辈子都没见过这么奇怪的事情。
[deɪ] noun countable
in my day
■when I was young 我小的时候;当年
Children take so much for granted nowadays - in my day a new bike was really special.现在的孩子把很多东西都太不当作一回事了——我小的时候一辆新脚踏车就是件稀罕之物。
[deɪ] noun countable
in this day and age
■at the present time 如今,当前,当今
You can't afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age.如今低效经营企业是行不通的。
[deɪ] noun countable
make sb's day
■to make someone happy 使(某人)高兴,取悦(某人)
Seeing Adrian again after such a long time really made my day.过了这么久能与阿德里安再次见面真让我感到高兴。
[deɪ] noun countable
not be sb's day
■If it is not your day, you are having a difficult or unpleasant day (某人)身处逆境,不走运,倒楣
This really isn't my day - my wallet was stolen and now I've lost my car keys.今天我可真够倒楣的——先是钱包被偷,现在车匙又丢了。
[deɪ] noun countable
one of these days
■some time in the near future 将来有一天,过不了多久
You're going to get into serious trouble one of these days.将来有一天你会惹上大麻烦。
[deɪ] noun countable
one of those days
■a bad day, full of problems 倒楣的日子,不走运的日子
It's just been one of those days.今天真倒楣。
[deɪ] noun countable
one/some day  IMPROVER 
■at some time in the future 将来有一天,将来某一天
I'd love to go to China some/one day.将来有一天我要去中国。
[deɪ] noun countable
take each day as it comes / take it one day at a time
■to deal with things as they happen, and not to make plans or to worry about the future 顺其自然,不为未来计划或忧虑
I've lived through a lot of changes recently, but I've learnt to take each day at it comes.近来遇到诸多变故,但我已学会凡事要顺其自然。
[deɪ] noun countable
that'll be the day
■something you say in order to show you think something is unlikely to happen (表示不太相信)胡说,哪有这样的事
"Mike says he's going to give up smoking." "That'll be the day!"“麦克说他要戒烟了。”“别听他乱说!”
[deɪ] noun countable
those were the days
■something you say which means life was better at the time in the past that you are talking about 那时候可真好,那才是好时光
We were young and madly in love. Ah, those were the days!我们当时都很年轻,正处于热恋。唉,那时候多好啊!
[deɪ] noun countable
to the day
■exactly 正好,刚好
She died ten years ago to the day.她正好在十年前的今天去世。
[deɪ] noun countable
  Common Learner Errors   dayWarning: choose the correct preposition!To talk about when something happened or will happen, don't say 'in/at' this/that day, say on this/that day :
I will always remember where I was in that day.I will always remember where I was on that day.




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