speculate ['spek.jʊ.leɪt] verb intransitive GUESS 猜测 ADVANCED ■to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain 猜测;推测,推断•I don't know why she did it - I'm just speculating.我不知道她为甚么那么做——我只是猜测。 •A spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause of the train crash.一位发言人拒绝就火车相撞事件的原因作出推测。 •Journalists are speculating about whether interest rates will be cut.记者们在猜测是否会降息。 •[+ that] The newspapers have speculated that they will get married next year.报纸猜测他们明年会结婚。 ['spek.jʊ.leɪt] verb intransitive TRADE 买卖 ■to buy and sell in the hope that the value of what you buy will increase and that it can then be sold at a higher price in order to make a profit 投机,做投机买卖•He made his money speculating on the London gold and silver markets.他在伦敦黄金市场和白银市场上做投机生意赚了钱。 •The company has been speculating in property for years.这家公司做房地产投机生意已经有好几年了。 |