rob UK [rɒb] US [rɑ:b] (-bb-) verb transitive IMPROVER ■to take money or property illegally from a place, organization or person, often using violence 抢劫,掠夺;盗取•The terrorists financed themselves by robbing banks.恐怖分子靠抢银行来获得资金。 •My wallet's gone! I've been robbed!我的钱包没了!我被偷了! •They robbed the company of £2 million.他们从这间公司盗取了两百万英镑。 ■If someone is robbed of something they deserve or want, it is taken away from them 使丧失;剥夺•A last-minute injury robbed me of my place on the team.我在紧要关头受了伤,失去了在球队中的位置。 UK [rɒb] US [rɑ:b] (-bb-) verb transitive rob Peter to pay Paul ■to borrow money from one person to pay back money you borrowed from someone else 拆东墙补西墙;借新债还旧债 |