drinker UK ['drɪŋ.kər] US [-kɚ] noun countable ALCOHOL 酒精 ■someone who drinks alcohol 喝酒的人,饮酒者•He's a heavy/light drinker (= drinks/does not drink a lot of alcohol).他喝酒喝得很厉害/不多。 •I'm not much of a drinker (= I don't drink much alcohol).我不大喝酒。 UK ['drɪŋ.kər] US [-kɚ] noun countable LIQUID 液体 ■someone who drinks a particular drink 好饮者;喜欢喝…的人•I'm a tea drinker really - I don't like coffee.我很习惯喝茶——我不喜欢咖啡。 |