mercy UK ['mɜ] US ['mɝ:-] noun KINDNESS 仁慈 ADVANCED uncountable ■kindness and forgiveness shown towards someone you have authority over 慈悲,怜悯;仁慈,宽容•She appealed to the judge to have mercy on her husband.她请求法官宽恕她的丈夫。 •The prisoners pleaded for mercy.囚犯都恳求从轻发落。 •The gunmen showed no mercy, killing innocent men and women.那些枪手毫无怜悯之心,滥杀无辜的男男女女。 be at the mercy of sb/sth ADVANCED ■to be in a situation where someone or something has complete power over you 任由…的摆布,完全受…的支配•Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of money-lenders.穷人受放债人摆布的情况日益严重。 UK ['mɜ] US ['mɝ:-] noun EVENT/SITUATION 事件/情况 only singular ■an event or situation which you are grateful for because it stops something unpleasant 恩惠;解脱•After months of suffering, his death was a mercy.遭受了数月痛苦的折磨后,死对他来说是一种解脱。 •They were on a mercy mission to take food to the refugees when they were attacked.他们遇袭时正在执行一项为难民运送食品的救援任务。 |