rhyme [raɪm] verb intransitive or transitive ADVANCED ■Words which rhyme have the same last sound 押韵;成韵;和…同韵•'Blue' and 'flew' rhyme.blue 和 flew 押韵。 •Can you think of a word that rhymes with 'orange'?你能想出一个和 orange 押韵的词吗? [raɪm] noun ADVANCED countable ■a word which has the same last sound as another word 押韵词;同韵词•Can you think of a rhyme for 'orange'?你能想出一个和 orange 押韵的词吗? ADVANCED countable ■a short poem, especially for young children 押韵诗;(尤指)儿歌•a book of rhymes and songs一本押韵诗和歌曲集 ⇒ See also nursery rhyme uncountable ■the use of rhymes in poetry 在诗中应用同韵词;押韵•This poem is her first attempt at rhyme.这首诗是她第一次尝试写的押韵诗。 in rhyme ■written as a poem so that the word at the end of a line has the same last sound as a word at the end of another line (诗歌)押韵•A lot of modern poetry is not written in rhyme.很多现代诗不押韵。 [raɪm] noun be no / without rhyme or reason ■to be without any obvious reasonable explanation 毫无道理;莫名其妙•Government money was given out to some people and not to others, apparently without rhyme or reason.政府的钱发给一些人,而不给另外一些人,这样做显然毫无道理可言。 •There is no rhyme or reason to her behaviour.她的行为反复无常。 |