fulfil (US usually fulfill) [fʊl'fɪl] verb transitive (-ll-) MAKE HAPPEN 使发生 ■to do something that is expected, hoped for or promised or to cause it to happen 实现;达到;履行,执行•A school fails if it does not fulfil the needs/requirements of its pupils.学校如果不能满足学生的需求/要求,那它就是失败的。 •At the age of 45, she finally fulfilled her ambition to run a marathon.45岁时,她终于实现了跑马拉松的夙愿。 •Zoos fulfil an important function in the protection of rare species.动物园起着保护珍稀动物的重要功能。 •He has failed to fulfil his duties as a father.他没有尽到做父亲的责任。 •We're looking for a very specific sort of person and this woman seems to fulfil all of our criteria.我们正在寻找某种特定的人,而这个女人似乎符合我们的所有标准。 •So did the course fulfil all your expectations ?那么这门课程符合你各方面的期望吗? •We're suing our suppliers for failing to fulfil their contract.我们正在和供应商打官司,因为他们没有履行合同。 (US usually fulfill) [fʊl'fɪl] verb transitive (-ll-) SATISFY 满足 ■to satisfy; to make happy 满足;使满意•I don't feel that my present way of life really fulfils me.我觉得现在的生活无法真正地令我满意。 •[R] I've finally found a job in which I can fulfil myself (= completely develop my abilities and interests).我终于找到了一份能发挥自己才干的工作。 |