remote UK [rɪ'məʊt] US [-'moʊt] adjective DISTANT 遥远的 IMPROVER ■far away in distance, time or relation 远的;遥远的;久远的;关系疏远的•remote galaxies遥远的星系 •It happened in the remote past , so no one worries about it any more.这件事发生在很久很久以前了,所以没有人再为此担心了。 •They take little interest in a conflict far from their homes and remote from their everyday problems.这是一场远在他们家乡千里之外的冲突,和他们每天遇到的问题也毫不沾边,他们对其不怎么感兴趣。 IMPROVER ■describes an area, house or village that is a long way from any towns or cities 边远的;偏僻的;僻静的•a remote mountain village偏远的山村 UK [rɪ'məʊt] US [-'moʊt] adjective SLIGHT 绝少的 ADVANCED ■slight 绝少的;微小的;微乎其微的•a remote possibility微乎其微的可能性 •The chances of a visit by Martians to the Earth are remote.火星人访问地球的可能性微乎其微。 UK [rɪ'məʊt] US [-'moʊt] adjective NOT FRIENDLY 不友好的 ■not very friendly or showing little interest in other people 不友好的;冷漠的;孤高的•Her manner was remote and cool.她的举止孤高冷漠。 UK [rɪ'məʊt] US [-'moʊt] adjective not have the remotest idea ■to not know at all 毫不知情;一无所知•"Who's that?" "I haven't the remotest idea."“那人是谁?”“我压根不认识他。” UK [rɪ'məʊt] US [-'moʊt] noun countable ■a remote control |