fullness (also fulness) ['fʊl.nəs] noun uncountable CONTAINING A LOT 充满 ■when something is full 满;充满 (also fulness) ['fʊl.nəs] noun uncountable COMPLETENESS 详尽 ■when something is complete or contains a lot of detail 详尽充实•The fullness of the research report (= how much detail it contains) has been widely praised.研究报告之详尽受到了广泛的赞扬。 •I envy him the fullness of his life (= how busy and interesting his life is).我真羡慕他那充实的生活。 (also fulness) ['fʊl.nəs] noun uncountable FOOD 食物 ■having eaten a lot •I've always disliked that feeling of fullness after a large meal.我一直不喜欢大吃一顿之后的那种饱胀感。 (also fulness) ['fʊl.nəs] noun uncountable STRONG QUALITY 强烈 ■the quality of having a strong flavour, sound, smell, etc. (味道、气味)浓厚的,强烈的;(声音)圆浑的•I like this cheese for the fullness of its flavour.我喜欢这种乳酪的浓郁气味。 (also fulness) ['fʊl.nəs] noun uncountable LARGENESS 宽大 ■the quality of being large or loose 宽大;宽松 (also fulness) ['fʊl.nəs] noun uncountable in the fullness of time ■If you say something will happen in the fullness of time, you mean that it will happen if you wait long enough 到时候;迟早•Everything will become clear in the fullness of time.到时候一切都会水落石出的。 |