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单词 up
释义 up
[ʌp] adverb
■towards a higher position; towards a higher value, number or level 向较高处;向上;(价值、数位或水准)加大;增高
Put those books up on the top shelf.把那些书放到书架顶层。
A gravel road leads through the jungle and up into the Andes.一条砾石铺成的路穿过丛林,向上进入安第斯山。
Pushing the number of unit sales up every quarter can't be continued indefinitely.单位销售数位每个季度都增长的趋势不可能无限期持续下去。
The water was up to /had come up to the level of the windows.水已经涨到窗户那么高了。
■out of the ground (从地下)往地面
He spent the afternoon digging carrots up.他挖了一下午的胡萝卜。
up and down
■from a higher to a lower position repeatedly 起起伏伏,上上下下
My little daughter started jumping up and down with rage when she heard she couldn't go.我的小女儿在得知她不能去后非常生气,开始不停地跳上跳下。
[ʌp] adverb
■in or into a vertical position 处于直立状态;垂直
Would you stand up for a moment, I want to see how tall you are.你能站起来一会儿吗,我想看看你有多高。
Compare down
[ʌp] adverb
TOP 顶部
■in a high position; at the top 在高处;在上面;在顶端
Our boardroom is up on the twenty-third floor.我们的会议室在上面的23层。
You can tell which way up the crates have to be because they all say 'TOP'.你可以看出条板箱该哪面朝上,因为每个箱子都写有“此面朝上”的字样。
Compare down
[ʌp] adverb
■very near 非常靠近
Carrying a gun, he walked up to the cashier and demanded money.他拿着枪,走到收银员跟前逼其把钱拿出来。
A limousine drew up (= parked) outside the hotel.一辆大型豪华车开过来,停在饭店外面。
[ʌp] adverb
■to a greater degree; in order to increase 由弱到强;由低到高
The fire heats the room up (= makes it warmer) within minutes.炉火使房间在几分钟内就暖和起来。
Grandma always turns the TV up really loud because she can't hear very well.祖母总是把电视音量调得很大,因为她听力不好。
Try not to get worked up (= increasingly excited or angry) , I'm sure we can sort the problem out.尽量不要激动,我相信我们能解决这个问题。
■If a level or amount is up, it has increased (水准或数量)增加的,上升的
The cost of car insurance is up, but not very much.车辆保险费用有所提高,但增幅不大。
Last year the company's turnover was $240 billion, up 3% on (= compared with) the previous year.去年该公司的营业额是2400亿美元,比前年增加了3%。
[ʌp] adverb
■not in bed 起床(的)
It's time to get up now!现在该起床啦!
Oh, I've been up all night, finishing my essay.噢,我一夜没睡写完了我的文章。
up and about/around
■to be able to get out of bed and move around again after a period of illness, because your health has improved enough (病后)可以下床活动
[ʌp] adverb
■into existence, view or attention 出现;发生;看到;给予考虑
Originally the charity was set up to help orphans in urban areas.成立慈善机构的初衷是要帮助城里的孤儿。
Sorry darling, something unexpected has come up (= has happened) at the office, and I'll be home late.对不起,亲爱的,办公室里出了点儿意外,我会晚点回家。
Coming up (= Happening next) after the break, we have a man who claims he can communicate with fish.休息之后,我们有请一位自称能与鱼沟通的人上场。
Would this be a good time to bring up the issue of salary?现在提薪水的问题合适吗?
[ʌp] adverb
■so as to be equal in quality, knowledge or achievement (在品质、知识或成就方面)相等,比得上
She couldn't go to school for a few weeks because of illness, but she'll be able to catch up (with her lessons) quickly.她因病几周不能去上课,但她(的功课)很快就能赶上来。
So much scientific research is being performed that it's virtually impossible to keep up (with all the new developments).有那么多的科学研究在进行,要跟上(所有的新进展)几乎是不可能的。
US informal Kate and I were both playing well, and after ten minutes the score was 6-up (= 6 points each).凯特和我表现都很出色,十分钟后比分为六比六。
[ʌp] adverb
■in a state of being together with other similar things 一起;聚拢地
You've got half an hour to gather up anything you'll need for the journey.你有半个小时的时间来收拾旅途中所需的东西。
Add up the column of figures in your head and then tell me what the sum is.在心里把这一列数位加起来,然后告诉我总数。
[ʌp] adverb
■tightly or firmly in order to keep something safe or in position 紧紧地;牢固地
Can you do my shoelaces up for me?你能帮我把鞋带系上吗?
Tie up the top of the bag so the rubbish doesn't fall out.把袋口扎好,以防垃圾外泄。
You'd better wrap up (= wear warm clothes) - it's cold outside.你最好穿暖和些——外面很冷。
[ʌp] adverb
■broken or cut into smaller pieces; made smaller in area 分成小块;成碎片
He cut the letter up into a hundred pieces.他把信剪得粉粹。
She folded the newspaper up and put it in her bag.她把报纸叠起来放进包里。
The car blew up (= exploded) when flames reached its fuel tank.当火焰触及油箱时,汽车爆炸了。
[ʌp] adverb
AGE 年纪
■to a greater age 长大
No one said that growing up would be easy or painless.没有人认为成长很轻松、没有痛苦。
Many single parents struggle to bring their children up on a low income.许多单身父母靠微薄的收入把孩子抚养大。
[ʌp] adverb
[after verb]
■used when talking or asking about what is happening (用于谈论或询问发生了甚么事)
Everyone was talking in whispers, and I could tell something was up (= something unusual was happening).大家都在窃窃私语,我可以断定一定发生了甚么不同寻常的事。
What's up (= What is happening or what is wrong) ?怎么回事?
[ʌp] adverb
[after verb]
■When a period of time is up, it is finished (一段时间)结束的,完结的
When the two hours were up nobody had answered all of the questions.两个小时过去了,没有人回答完所有问题。
Your time is up - it's someone else's turn on the training equipment now.你的时间到了——现在轮到别人使用训练设备了。
[ʌp] adverb
■into an improved position or state 向较好的位置(或状态)
By lap 26, Senna had moved up into second position.到第26圈,塞纳已上升至二位。
Stein had a bad start to the race, but by the ninth lap she was up with the leaders.斯坦起跑不好,但到第九圈时,她赶上了领先者。
Compare down
[ʌp] adverb
END 结束
■to an end, finish or state of being complete 结束;彻底地,完全地
Finish up the old packet of biscuits before you open a new one.先把旧的那盒饼干吃完,再打开一盒新的。
Crime won't help - you'll end up in prison.犯罪不能解决问题——最终会让你进监狱。
I'd like to round up the meeting by thanking all those who were able to attend at such short notice.在本次会议结束之际,我要感谢所有在这么短的时间收到通知就赶来出席会议的人。
[ʌp] adverb
■towards the north or towards a more important place, especially a city 向北方,北上;往更重要的地方(尤指城市)
On Tuesday she'll be travelling up to Newcastle from Birmingham.周二她将从伯明罕北上前往纽卡素。
She comes up from her village about once a month on the train.她大约每月乘火车从村里进一趟城。
[ʌp] adverb
up for sth
■intended, suggested or being considered for something 计划要;被建议;正被考虑
That house at the end of our road is up for sale again.我们这条路尽头的那座房子又要出售了。
Are you really up for promotion?你真的会被提升吗?
[ʌp] adverb
up for (doing) sth informal
■willing and able to do or take part in an activity 愿意做(或参与)
After a long day at work I wasn't really up for a party.工作了一整天之后,我真的不愿意参加甚么聚会了。
We're going swimming. Are you up for it?我们去游泳。你想一起去吗?
I'm up for organizing the meeting if nobody else wants to do it.如果没人愿意,我愿意组织这次会议。
[ʌp] adverb
[after verb]
■on trial in a court 出庭受审的
If he doesn't pay the fine soon, he'll be up before the magistrate.如果他不马上交上罚款,就将会被地方法庭传讯。
Max is up for armed robbery.马克斯被控持械抢劫而出庭受审。
[ʌp] adverb
[after verb] UK
■When a road is up, it is being repaired and so is unsuitable for use (道路)正在维修的
The council has got the road up because of a broken sewer.因为下水管道破裂,市政会正在整修道路。
[ʌp] adverb
■to be considered, or as a suggestion 供考虑;作为建议
How many candidates will your party be putting up (= offering for election) at the elections next week?你们党打算推举多少候选人参加下周的选举?
[ʌp] adverb
■If someone's long hair is up, it is arranged on the top or back of their head (长发)向头上(或脑后)梳理的up 1




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