relay verb transitive /ˌrɪˈleɪ/ /ˈriː.leɪ/ to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast a signal, message or programme on television or radio 传达,转发;播放;转播•I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others.我是第一个被告知这消息的人,接着我又转告了其他人。 •TV pictures of the war were relayed around the world by satellite.有关战争的电视新闻图片透过卫星在全世界进行了转播。 noun countable /ˈriː.leɪ/ TEAM 组 ■a group of people who continue an activity that others from the same team or organization have been doing previously 接替的一组人;轮换的一队人•Relays of workers kept the machines going through the night.工人们轮班工作,机器彻夜运转。 •After the landslide, volunteers worked in relays to rescue people buried under the rubble.山泥倾泻发生后,志愿者们轮班上阵解救被碎石埋困的人。 ■(also relay race) ■a running or swimming race between two or more teams in which each person in the team runs or swims part of the race (跑步或游泳的)接力赛 noun countable /ˈriː.leɪ/ EQUIPMENT 设备 ■a device that reacts to a small change in an electrical current by moving switches or other devices in an electrical circuit 中继设备 |