tall UK [tɔ:l] US [tɑ:l] adjective ESSENTIAL ■of more than average height, or of a particular height 高的,高大的;有…高的•a tall girl身材高挑的女孩 •a tall building高层建筑 •He's six feet tall.他身高六英尺。 •She's much taller than me.她比我高得多。 UK [tɔ:l] US [tɑ:l] adjective be a tall order ■to be something which is difficult to do 是件困难的事情;是件难以做到的事情•Getting the essay done on time will be a tall order.按时完成论文是件很难的事。 UK [tɔ:l] US [tɑ:l] adjective stand/walk tall ■to act in a proud and confident way 昂首阔步;充满自信地做事•You'd have more chance of success if you'd stand tall.如果你满怀自信,就会有更多的成功机会。 UK [tɔ:l] US [tɑ:l] adjective a tall tale ■a story or statement that is difficult to believe because it is too exciting or interesting 吹牛大话;夸诞的故事(一个难以置信的故事或说法,因为其内容过于刺激或有趣)•He told me a tall tale about having met some top models in a night club.他向我说了一个天方夜谭,说他在一家夜总会遇到了几个顶尖模特儿。 |