relationship [rɪ'leɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp] noun countable CONNECTION 关系 ESSENTIAL ■the way in which two things are connected 关系;联系;关联•Scientists have established the relationship between lung cancer and smoking.科学家们已经证明了肺癌和吸烟之间的联系。 [rɪ'leɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp] noun countable FRIENDSHIP 友好关系 ESSENTIAL ■the way in which two or more people feel and behave towards each other (人们彼此的)关系,感情关系•He has a very good relationship with his uncle.他和他叔叔的感情很深。 ESSENTIAL ■a close romantic friendship between two people, which is often sexual 浪漫关系;情爱关系;(常指)性关系•Have you had any serious relationships in the past year?过去一年中你有没有正经八百地同谁谈过恋爱? a love/hate relationship ■a relationship in which you have feelings of love and hate for someone or something 又爱又恨的关系或感受(你对某人或某物心存爱恨之情的一种关系) Common Learner Errors relationshipWarning: choose the correct preposition!Don't say 'someone's relationship to someone', say someone's relationship with someone: ✗ I have a good relationship to my parents. [rɪ'leɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp] noun countable FAMILY 家属 ADVANCED ■the family connection between people 亲属关系;家属关系;姻亲关系•The judge asked the witness what the relationship was between her and the victim.法官问证人她跟受害者有甚么亲戚关系。 |