refuse verb intransitive or transitive /rɪˈfjuːz/ ESSENTIAL ■to say that you will not do or accept something 拒绝;回绝;拒绝接受•He asked me to give him another loan, but I refused.他让我再借给他一笔钱,我没答应。 •He's in trouble but he's refused all (my offers of) help.他遇到了麻烦,但是却对(我提出的)帮助一概拒绝。 •[+ to infinitive] On cold mornings the car always refuses to start.早晨天冷时,车总是发动不起来。 •[+ two objects] The local council refused him planning permission to build an extra bedroom.他要加盖一间卧室,但当地的政务委员会拒绝签发建筑许可。 noun uncountable /ˈref.juːs/ formal ■unwanted waste material, especially material that is regularly thrown away from a house, factory, etc.; rubbish (尤指家庭、工厂等固定产生的)废物,废料,垃圾•garden/kitchen refuse花园/厨房的垃圾 |