pending ['pen.dɪŋ] adjective ■about to happen or waiting to happen 即将发生的;待定的,待决的•There were whispers that a deal was pending.有传言说即将达成一笔交易。 •The pending releases of the prisoners are meant to create a climate for negotiation.囚犯即将获释,此目的是要营造一个有利谈判的氛围。 ['pen.dɪŋ] preposition formal ■used to say that one thing must wait until another thing happens 等到…之后;直到…时为止•The identity of the four people was not made public, pending (the) notification of relatives.四名受害者的身分要等到家属确认之后才能公开。 •Flights were suspended pending (an) investigation of the crash.坠机事故正待调查,航班暂时取消。 |