prejudice ['predʒ.ʊ.dɪs] noun countable or uncountable ADVANCED ■an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge 成见,偏见,歧视•Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.禁止种族歧视的法律必须严格执行。 •[+ that] The campaign aims to dispel the prejudice that AIDS is confined to the homosexual community.这项运动旨在消除爱滋病仅限于同性恋群体的偏见。 •He claims that prejudice against homosexuals would cease overnight if all the gay stars in the country were honest about their sexuality.他主张如果国内所有的同性恋明星都能对自己的性向开诚布公,那么对同性恋者的偏见就会立即消失。 without prejudice to sth formal or legal ■If a decision or action is made without prejudice to a right or claim , it is made without having an effect on that right or claim 对…没有不利,无损于•My client accepts the formal apology without prejudice to any further legal action she may decide to take.我的委托人接受了正式道歉,这不会影响她将来可能会采取的法律手段。 ['predʒ.ʊ.dɪs] verb transitive ■Someone or something that prejudices you influences you unfairly so that you form an unreasonable opinion about something 使有成见,使有偏见,使产生歧视•His comments may have prejudiced the voters against her.他的评论可能已经使选民对她有了偏见。 ■formal ■Something or someone that prejudices something else has a harmful influence on it 对…不利,损害•The fact that you were late all this week may prejudice your chances of getting a promotion.本周你一直迟到,这可能会影响到你的升迁。 |