multinational UK [ˌmʌl.ti'næʃ.ən.əl] US [-tˌi-] adjective ■involving several different countries, or (of a business) producing and selling goods in several different countries 多国的;(企业)在多国经营的,跨国的•The UN has sent a multinational peace-keeping force.联合国已派出一支多国维和部队 •a major multinational food company大型的跨国食品公司 UK [ˌmʌl.ti'næʃ.ən.əl] US [-tˌi-] noun countable ■a large and powerful company that produces and sells goods in many different countries 跨国公司•Are multinationals now more powerful than governments?现在跨国公司比政府更有影响力吗? |