mouthful ['maʊθ.fʊl] noun AMOUNT 数量 countable ■an amount of food or drink which fills your mouth, or which you put into your mouth at one time 满口;一口•He only ate a few mouthfuls of meat.他只吃了几口肉。 ['maʊθ.fʊl] noun WORD 词语 only singular informal ■a word or phrase that is difficult to pronounce or that has a lot of syllables 冗长而拗口的词(或短语),难读的词(或短语)•I've always called myself 'Henny' because it's less of a mouthful than 'Henrietta'.我总是叫自己“亨尼”,因为它不像“亨丽埃塔”那么拗口。 ['maʊθ.fʊl] noun give someone a mouthful mainly UK informal ■to shout something angry at someone, usually swearing at them 生气地向(某人)叫嚷;咒骂(某人)•A taxi driver wound down his window and gave the cyclist a mouthful.计程车司机摇下车窗,对骑脚踏车的人破口大骂。 |