intimate adjective UK [ˈɪn.tɪ.mət] US [-ţə-] PERSONAL 个人的 ADVANCED ■having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship 亲密的;有性关系的;宜于密切关系的•intimate relationships亲密关系 •The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.这家餐厅的气氛很幽静。 •He's become very intimate with an actress.他和一名女演员的关系变得非常亲密。 adjective UK [ˈɪn.tɪ.mət] US [-ţə-] EXPERT 精通的 ■expert, detailed and obtained from a lot of studying or experience 谙熟的,精通的•She has an intimate knowledge of Tuscany, where she has lived for twenty years.她在托斯卡纳住了20年,对那里非常熟悉。 noun countable UK [ˈɪn.tɪ.mət] US [-ţə-] formal ■a close friend 至交,密友,知己•Intimates of the star say that he has been upset by the personal attacks on him that have appeared in the press recently.这位明星的密友说他最近正为报纸上出现的对他的人身攻击感到苦恼。 |