huh [hə] exclamation informal ■used to show that you have not heard or understood something (表示没听清楚或不理解)嗯,啊•"So what do you want to do tonight?" "Huh? What did you say?"「那么今天晚上你想做甚么?」 「嗯?你说甚么?」 •Huh? These instructions don't make sense!嗯?这些说明莫名其妙! ■humorous ■used to express disapproval (用于表示不赞同)哼,啊•Huh, I don't think much of that idea!哼,我觉得那个主意不怎么样! ■mainly US ■used at the end of a question or statement, especially when you want someone to agree with what you have said (用于句尾,尤用于寻求他人的赞同时)嗯•I'll bet you wish you hadn't done that, huh?我敢肯定你自己也希望没做过那件事,嗯? •Pretty cool, huh?很酷,是不是? |