gloomy ['glu:.mi] adjective WITHOUT HOPE 没有希望的 ■unhappy and without hope 忧郁;愁闷;沮丧•a gloomy person/expression一个愁容满面的人;一个沮丧的表情 •The cemetery is a gloomy place.墓地是个让人感到压抑的地方。 ■with no positive opinions or expectations about a situation 悲观的•The vet is rather gloomy about my cat's chances of recovery.兽医对我的猫儿康复表示很不乐观。 •a gloomy economic forecast令人沮丧的经济形势预测 ['glu:.mi] adjective DARK 黑暗的 ■dark in a way that is unpleasant and makes it difficult to see 灰暗的,幽暗的•What gloomy weather we're having!今天天气太阴沉了! •We waited in a gloomy waiting-room.我们在阴暗的候车室里等着。 |