gift [gɪft] noun PRESENT 礼物 ESSENTIAL countable ■a present or something which is given 礼物;赠品•a birthday/wedding gift生日/结婚礼物 •The guests all arrived bearing (= bringing) gifts.客人们都带着礼物到了。 countable usually singular informal ■something which is surprisingly easy or cheap 极容易完成的事;极便宜的东西•That goal was a gift!那入球不费吹灰之力! •£100 for a good leather coat? It's a gift!100英镑就买了一件好皮衣?真是便宜! [gɪft] noun ABILITY 能力 countable usually singular ■a special ability to do something 天赋;才能•He has a gift for languages.他有语言天赋。 [gɪft] noun a gift from the gods ■an especially good or lucky thing or person that comes to you 天赐之物(或人);走运的机会;天上掉下的馅饼 [gɪft] noun the gift of the gab UK (US the gift of gab) informal ■the ability to speak easily and confidently in a way that makes people want to listen to you and believe you 能言善道;口才;辩才•She's got the gift of the gab - she should work in sales and marketing.她能言善道——她应该去做销售和市场行销的工作。 |