ideal [aɪ'dɪəl] adjective ESSENTIAL ■without fault; perfect, or the best possible 完美的;理想的•the ideal employer无可挑剔的老板 •She's the ideal person (= exactly the right type of person) for the job.她是这项工作的理想人选。 •The television also comes in a compact 36 cm screen size, ideal for bedroom or kitchen use.这款电视机也有萤幕大小为36厘米的袖珍型,非常适合在睡房和厨房使用。 •It's the ideal opportunity to meet people.这是结识朋友的绝好机会。 •In an ideal world no one would go hungry.理想的世界里没有人忍饥挨饿。 [aɪ'dɪəl] noun PRINCIPLE 原则 countable ■a principle or a way of behaving that is of a very high standard 理想;标准极高的原则(或行为准则)•democratic ideals民主理想 •We are committed to the ideal of equality.我们奉行平等原则。 •They share the same high ideals.他们有着同样高标准的行为准则。 [aɪ'dɪəl] noun PERFECT 完美的 only singular ■a perfect thing or situation 理想的事物(或情形)•The ideal would be to have a place in the town and one in the country.理想的情形应该是在城里和乡下都有住处。 |