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电视剧 | [BT下载][本拉登:通往 9.11 之路 Bin Laden: The Road to 9.11][全03集][英语无字][MKV][1080P][片源 剧集 2021 英国 纪录 全集 |
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介绍 | [BT下载][本拉登:通往 9.11 之路 Bin Laden: The Road to 9.11][全03集][英语无字][MKV][1080P][片源 剧集 2021 英国 纪录 全集 骨左顾滴水不漏右盼瘦如柴最可怕的不是失恋,是心身不全;最舒适的不是酒店,是家里;最难听的不是脏话,是无言;最美好的不是未来,是今天。07 个人情况与家庭137.一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。萧铎本拉登:通往 9.11 之路Juliet Aubrey主持的传记纪录片, 2021年由Channel 4出版 -英文旁白 Information-- Also aired as "Osama Bin Laden: The Inside Story " -- It's a name that will be forever seared onto history. But just who was Osama Bin Laden, the figure behind the devastating 9/11 attacks, and how did the quiet son of a billionaire become a terrorist mastermind? 10 years since the death of Osama Bin Laden and 20 years on from 9/11, this series tells the story of how this man became the greatest enemy of the West. Originally commissioned to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Voltage TV's three-part "Bin Laden: The Road To 9/11" is aiming for a life beyond the month of September, as it digs deep into the life of the founder of jihadist terror organisation Al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden was the world's most infamous terrorist. Everyone knows about his atrocities and the impact of his campaign on terror. But how much is known about the man himself and what set him on his path of destruction? Partially shot in Afghanistan only months before the Taliban's recent seizure of control of the country, the film paints a picture of a shy young boy from a wealthy family who lost his father relatively young and slowly became radicalised and entrenched in ideology. From a quiet and introspective son of a billionaire to global terrorist mastermind, "Bin Laden: The Road To 9/11" charts the story of his transformation, narrated by those who witnessed every step of the journey he made. Featuring the testimony and accounts of those who know Bin Laden as a child, a student, a fundraiser-turned-fighter in Afghanistan, the leader of Al Qaeda and the driving force behind 9/11 - this series adapts an alternative lens through which to view his life that is unlike any the West has seen until now. The documentary's contributors include childhood friend Khaled Batarfi, who recalls a young lad with a penchant for American TV changed irreversibly by war, and Mujahideen commander Sayed Rahman Wahidyar, who talks of an incompetent fighter whom he had to scold at times, but who slowly learned battlefield skills. These fighting skills culminated in the Battle of Jaji – which was the start of the myth of Bin Laden as a war hero. "Bin Laden: The Road To 9/11" also charts Bin Laden's return to Saudi Arabia, where he becomes an embarrassing dissident during the Gulf War, as well as his journey to Sudan, where he opens up Al-Qaeda training camps while simultaneously running a sunflower business. The film also boasts unique, never-before-broadcast audio recordings of Bin Laden, recovered from his compound. Directed by Jenny Ash ; Voltage TV Productions Ltd For Channel 4 Television —— 也以“奥萨马·本·拉登:内幕”的形式播出——这个名字将永远烙印在历史上。但是奥萨马·本·拉登是谁,是 9/11 毁灭性袭击的幕后黑手,亿万富翁的安静儿子是如何成为恐怖分子策划者的?乌萨马·本·拉登逝世 10 年,9/11 事件 20 年后,这个系列讲述了这个人如何成为西方最大敌人的故事。最初受委托纪念 9/11 20 周年,Voltage TV 的三集“本拉登:通往 9/11 之路”的目标是超越 9 月的生活,因为它深入挖掘了创始人的生活。圣战恐怖组织基地组织。奥萨马·本·拉登是世界上最臭名昭著的恐怖分子。每个人都知道他的暴行和他的反恐运动的影响。但是对于这个人自己了解多少,是什么让他走上了毁灭之路?这部电影在塔利班最近夺取该国控制权前几个月在阿富汗拍摄,描绘了一个来自富裕家庭的害羞小男孩的画面,他在相对年轻的时候失去了父亲,并逐渐变得激进并在意识形态中根深蒂固。从亿万富翁的一个安静而内省的儿子到全球恐怖主义策划者,“本拉登:通往 9/11 之路”描绘了他的转变故事,由目睹他走过的每一步的人讲述。收录那些认识本拉登的人的证词和叙述,这些人在孩提时代、学生、阿富汗募捐者出身的战士,基地组织的头目和 9/11 背后的推动力 - 这个系列采用了另一种镜头,通过它来观察他的生活,这与西方迄今为止所看到的不同。纪录片的撰稿人包括儿时的朋友 Khaled Batarfi,他回忆起一个喜欢看美国电视的小伙子,因为战争而无法逆转地改变了;圣战组织指挥官 Sayed Rahman Wahidyar,他谈到了一个不称职的战士,他有时不得不责骂他,但他慢慢学会了战场技能。这些战斗技巧在贾吉之战中达到顶峰——这是本拉登作为战争英雄的神话的开始。《本·拉登:通往 9/11 之路》还描绘了本·拉登重返沙特阿拉伯,在那里他在海湾战争期间成为一名令人尴尬的持不同政见者,以及他前往苏丹的旅程,他在那里开设基地组织训练营,同时经营向日葵业务。这部电影还拥有独特的、从未播放过的本拉登录音,从他的住所中恢复。由珍妮·阿什执导;第四频道电视的电压电视制作有限公司 闹红一舸,记来时尝与鸳鸯为侣。三十六陂人未到,水佩风裳无数。翠叶吹凉,玉容销酒,更洒菰蒲雨。嫣然摇动,冷香飞上诗句。清辉淡水木,演漾在窗户。[BT下载][本拉登通往9.11之路BinLaden:TheRoadto9.11][全03集][英语无字][MKV][1080P][片源Following these methods (suggestions) may not guarantee the success in (solution to)…, but the pay-off will be worth the effort. |
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