commitment [kə'mɪt.mənt] noun ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■when you are willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something 忠诚;投入;奉献;承诺,保证,诺言•her commitment to left-wing politics/the cause of feminism/the company她对左翼政治/女权主义事业/公司的奉献 •She is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.她主要以全力支持核裁军运动而闻名。 •I'd like to thank the staff for having shown such commitment.我要对全体员工作出的巨大奉献表示感谢。 •Try the product out in the comfort of your own home with absolutely no commitment to buy!可在家随意试用本产品且根本无须购买! ESSENTIAL countable ■something that you must do or deal with that takes your time 必须做(或处理)的事情•family/work commitments家庭义务/工作任务 •I've got too many commitments at the moment to do an evening class.我眼下要做的事情太多,没时间晚上上课。 •Children are such a commitment.照顾孩子真费精力。 |