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电影 天外魔花 Invasion.of.the.Body.Snatchers.1956.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE 3.32G
分类 720p高清电影下载
介绍     天外魔花 Invasion.of.the.Body.Snatchers.1956.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE 3.32G只争朝夕坐井观天行云流水49. 人世间的真情就像一张大网,时刻温暖着人的心扉,就如妈妈的爱一样,永无止境。28. On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. (2014.陕西)268.扬子江头杨柳春,杨花愁煞渡江人。郑谷《淮上与友人送别》
【影片原名】Invasion of the Body Snatchers
【出品公司】Allied Artists Pictures
【出品年代】1956 年
【上映日期】1956年2月5日 美国
【影片级别】Australia:PG | Sweden:15 | UK:PG (video rating) (1997) | USA:Approved (certificate #17567) | West Germany:16
【IMDB评分】7.9/10 (23,889 votes)
【国  家】美国
【类  别】恐怖/科幻
【导  演】唐·希格尔 Don Siegel
【主  演】凯文·麦卡锡 Kevin McCarthy  ....Dr. Miles J. Bennell
      达娜·温特 Dana Wynter  ....Becky Driscoll
      卡罗琳·琼斯 Carolyn Jones  ....Theodora  Teddy  Belicec
      山姆·佩金法 Sam Peckinpah  ....Charlie (meter reader)
      Larry Gates  ....Dr. Dan  Danny  Kauffman
      King Donovan  ....Jack Belicec
      Jean Willes  ....Nurse Sally Withers
      Ralph Dumke  ....Police Chief Nick Grivett
      Virginia Christine  ....Wilma Lentz
      Tom Fadden  ....Uncle Ira Lentz
      Kenneth Patterson  ....Stanley Driscoll
      Guy Way  ....Officer Sam Janzek
      Eileen Stevens  ....Anne Grimaldi
      Beatrice Maude  ....Grandma Driscoll
      Jean Andren  ....Eleda Lentz
... there was nothing to hold onto - except each other.   
They come from another world!   
Something is happening! Send your men of science quick!  The panicstricken cry went over the phone to Washington D. C. until the lineswent dead!......   
Incredible! Invisible! Insatiable!   
Walter Wanger Creates the Ultimate in Science-Fiction!   
Collier s Magazine called it  The Nightmare That Threatens The World   
这部经典科幻片系一部低成本B级片,本片暗示当时麦卡锡主义横行美国的从众心态,具有警世作用。1978年的重拍版是少数不亚于原版(甚至超过原版)的作品,场景搬到了旧金山,由唐纳德·萨瑟兰主演。1993年的第三版将片名简化为《Body Snatchers》,场景转移到军事基地,成就远不如前两版。
Date .....: 9th July 2012
Runtime ..: 01:20:41
Size .....: 3360mb
Video ....: 1280x640 (X264 @ 23.976fps)
Audio ....: DTS 768k
Source ...: Retail Blu-Ray
Lang .....: English  
Subs .....: N/A
Screens ..: Opening Week - 1956
Genre ....: Horror | Sci-Fi

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