breast [brest] noun WOMAN 女性 IMPROVER countable ■either of the two soft, rounded parts of a woman's chest that produce milk after she has a baby 乳房•When a woman becomes pregnant her breasts tend to grow larger.女性怀孕后,乳房会增大。 •breast cancer乳癌 •Do you think she's had breast implants ?你觉得她做过隆胸手术吗? [brest] noun BIRD 鸟 countable or uncountable ■the front part of a bird's body (鸟的)前胸,胸部•A robin is easy to identify because of its red breast.知更鸟因其胸脯是红色的很容易辨认。 countable or uncountable ■the meat from the front part of the body of a bird or other animal 鸡胸肉;(动物的)胸肉•I had a cold chicken breast and salad for lunch.我午饭吃的是冷鸡胸肉和沙拉。 •breast of turkey/lamb/veal火鸡/羔羊/小牛的前胸肉 [brest] noun CLOTHING 服装 countable ■the part of a piece of clothing that covers a person's chest 上衣前部•He put a silk hanky in his breast pocket (= a pocket on the top front part of a shirt or coat).他将一条丝绸手帕放入上衣口袋。 [brest] noun CHEST 胸部 countable literary ■a person's chest (人的)胸部,胸膛•The dagger entered his breast.匕首插入了他的胸膛。 countable literary ■the centre of a person's feelings 心窝,胸怀•A feeling of love surged in his breast.他心中涌起一阵爱意。 |