介绍 |
黄飞鸿之西域雄狮/黄飞鸿6 1997 1080p-HighCode 5.91GB玉兔东升一丝一毫群星灿烂33. 谎言是一只心灵的蛀虫,将人的心蛀得面目全非;谎言是一个深深的泥潭,让人深陷其中无法自拔;谎言是一个无尽的黑洞,让人坠入罪恶的深渊万劫不复。46. Now, I think it is really successful experience, and I totally understand what labor means.311.驿外断桥边,寂寞开无主。已是黄昏独自愁,更著风和雨。无意苦争春,一任群芳妒。零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。《卜算子?咏梅》
【译 名】: 黄飞鸿之西域雄狮 / 黄飞鸿6
【片 名】: 黃飛鴻之西域雄獅
【导 演】: 洪金宝
【编 剧】: 司徒卓汉 / 史美仪 / 许莎朗 / 郭伟钟 / 苏文星
【主 演】: 李连杰 / 关之琳 / 熊欣欣 / 陈国邦 / Jeff Wolfe / 龙刚 / 吴耀汉
【时 长】: USA: 102 分钟
【评 分】: 6.6
【上映时间】: 1997-02-01
【国 家】: 香港
【语 言】: 粤语 / 英语
【影片类型】: 动作 / 冒险 / 历史 / 西部
【影片简介】: 黄飞鸿(李连杰 饰),十三姨(关之琳 饰)和鬼脚七(熊欣欣 饰)三人远赴美国旧金山,只因一年前牙擦苏(陈国邦 饰)在美国开设宝芝林至今终于扎下了脚跟。黄飞鸿于路搭救了落难的美国快枪手比利(Jeff Wolfe 饰),不想他们的旅队被林中埋伏的印第安人冲散,黄飞鸿为救十三姨落入湍急河流,头部受撞击后下落不明。十三姨和鬼脚七被人救起送至宝芝林,牙擦苏得见二人大喜过望,为这华工颇受镇长欺侮的小镇生活增添了生机。比利因出众的枪法受雇为助理治安官,对华人颇有好感的比利凭一己之力予以华工帮助。失去记忆的黄飞鸿被印第安人部落收留,因十三姨坚持不懈的寻找二人终于团聚。与此同时,镇长与匪帮勾结为自己牟取暴利,事发后撇开匪帮导致后者大举报复,被镇长栽赃的黄飞鸿挺身而出,大战西部群匪……
Once Upon a Time in China and America 1997 1080p-HighCode
Wong Fei Hung: Chi sai wik hung see (original title)
Action | Adventure | History | Comedy
The story is set in both Hong Kong and the U.S. So goes to the U.S. to open a martial arts school. Around this time, many Chinese people were sold off to U.S. railroad companies, and were brutally treated by the Americans under the harsh working conditions. Thus, the American workers hatred towards the Chinese immigrants is high. As a result, So gets into trouble with the Americans and the mob, and calls Master Wong for help. -Written by Eugene Wu-
Source-------- HK BD / AVC @23.6 MBps
Released------ 2013/10/15
Format-------- Matroska/h264
File size----- 5.9 MBps
Length-------- 1:39:06
Video Bit rate 7.5 MBps
Display AR---- 1920/810
Frame rate---- 23.976 fps
Audio--------- Cantonese DD-5.1 @640 / Mandarin DD-2.0 @224
Subtitles----- Eng, Cht, Fre
Screens------- https://imgbox.com/g/RK7MILhvmJ
Encoder------- HighCode
Note: At least a third of the original Cantonese track is English.
Simple, brainless dialogs but still fun movie
东风睡足交枝,正梦枕瑶钗燕股。障滟蜡、满照欢丛,蟾冷落羞度。自谓经过旧不迷,安知峰壑今来变?电影下载,MP4下载,高清电影,电影排行榜,电影票房Common sense tells us that a photographer can succeed by working in both media. |