loan UK [ləʊn] US [loʊn] noun SUM 数目 ESSENTIAL countable ■a sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing 贷款,借款•She's trying to get a $50 000 loan to start her own business.为了开办自己的公司,她正在争取一笔五万美元的贷款。 •We could apply for/take out a loan to buy a car.我们可以申请贷款去买汽车。 UK [ləʊn] US [loʊn] noun BORROW 借 countable or uncountable ■an act of borrowing or lending something 借入;借出•Thank you very much for the loan of your bike.谢谢你把脚踏车借给我。 •This exhibit is on loan (= being borrowed/lent) from/to another museum.这件展品是从另一家博物馆借来的/出借给了另一家博物馆。 UK [ləʊn] US [loʊn] verb transitive ■to lend 借出;贷与•This library loans books, CDs and videotapes.这家图书馆可以外借图书、光碟和录影带。 •[+ two objects] I'd loan you the money if I could./I'd loan the money to you if I could.我要是能借肯定会借给你这笔钱了。 |