介绍 |
◎又名:I Loved
◎剧情简介: SYNOPSIS The poet Ha-bin meets with Nam Mi-ri on a rainy day which brings them misfortune. The next day, Ha-bin goes to see Mi-ri but meets her fiancee, Sohn Du-ho, instead. Du-ho is the executive in charge of overseas business at the company of Mi-ri's father. He is also the boss of a drug smuggling ring. Mi-ri's stepmother, Kang Hye-in, is the director of domestic sales at Dong-hae Trade. She combines forces with Kwon Ki-pyo, Du-ho's rival, to try and take control. Mi-ri tries to find an escape route through Ha-bin. Du-ho wins the power struggle but he is murdered. Mi-ri's father also dies. Ultimately, Hye-in becomes the owner of Dong-hae Trade. Hye-in and Ki-pyo try to admit Mi-ri into a mental institution. Ha-bin looks for Mi-ri but he is chased out of the hospital while Hye-in and Ki-pyo are arrested. 故事 诗人哈宾在雨天与玛米美里会面。这项工作受到威胁。哈尔滨第二天到访美里,遇见了美里的未婚夫。儿子是未来父亲海外业务的董事总经理,也是国内贩毒组织的老板。未来的明面是东海贸易国内的董事总经理,杜豪和她以前的情人,美里希望通过哈尔滨寻求突破。杀害人权的两个胜利的胜利被杀害,并且Miri的父亲去世了。最后,成为东海贸易业主的康惠仁和权记杓把美里送到了精神病院。正在调查美里的下落的哈尔滨被驱逐出院,但惠英和标志被逮捕。