介绍 |
◎又名:Gently Was Anastasia Passing
◎剧情简介: 故事发生于1944年多瑙河旁的边境小镇,那里被德军占据,而通敌的人可不少,一些年青人参加了游击队,杀死了一个赛尔维亚人,把尸体扔进乡村,禁止任何人把他埋藏,可女子Anastasia拒绝遵守这个命令....... A border town on the Danube, 1944. The town is occupied by the Germans, and there are plenty of collaborators. A number of the young men join the partisans, kill a Serbian, and throw his body into the village, forbidding anyone to bury it - Anastasia refuses to obey the order...