内容推荐 竹类的花序、竹箨、竿、叶的特征对竹类植物的分类和识别具有重要意义。本书采用信息丰富、特征明显的高清图片形象而准确地展示了竹子的分类和识别特征,尤其是竹箨的特征。全书大量采用实拍照片、数十幅手绘彩色科学画,并辅以文字说明,既具有很高的学术性,又具有很强的艺术性和实用性。 本书可供竹子分类研究者、竹类植物爱好者及相关高等院校师生参考使用。 目录 Note on the English edition of Illustrations of Bamboos in China Author's preface Preface Overview of the Taxonomic Characters of Bamboos 1. Vegetative organs 1.1 Rhizomes 1.2 Culms 1.2.1 Branching 1.2.2 Culm colour 1.2.3 Culm shape 1.3 Shoots 1.3.1 Culm sheaths 1.4 Leaves 2. Reproductive organs 2.1 Flowers 2.2 Fruit Species Descriptions Melocanna Schizostachyum Pseudostachyum Cephalostachyum Thyrsostachys Bambusa Neosinocalamus Dendrocalamopsis Dendrocalamus Gigantochloa Indosasa Sinobambusa Brachystachyum Phyllostachys Chimonobambusa Qiongzhuea Chimonocalamus Acidosasa Oligostachyum Pleioblastus Bashania Pseudosasa Sasa Indocalamus Sasaella Hibanobambusa Guadua Bibliography Acknowledgements ndex of Latin names |