内容推荐 本书以简要文字和大量精美图片,从四合院的得名开始,对北京四合院的形成历史、总体布局、院落、影壁、垂花门、廊子、窗户、门、围墙等细部及至工程做法,进行了极其详细的分析、介绍,对读者全面认识四合院颇具指导性。本书可供建筑师及国内广大读者和国外读者阅读、参考。 目录 I.Profound Quadrangles II.Social Status and Geomancy III.Screen Wall and Screen Door IV.Floral-Pendant Gate Defining the Inner and Outer V.Eaves Galleries and Houses Connected and Separated VI.A Realm of Enjoying Oneself VI.Hierarchy and Patriarchy VII.Systematic Construction IX.Color Paintings and Carvings Comparison of House Sizes of the Quadrangles in Bejing |