内容推荐 本书的结构是按照词性来组织的——名词、动词、形容词和副词、通用表达。每个章节的单个条目按照长度来排列。 中英对照讲解地道英语和中国人正在使用的英语;中国外文局资深定稿专家分类列举中式英语常见顽疾;大量实例详细分析常被误用的词汇、句型、表达方式。 目录 Chapter Ⅰ Interrogatives 疑问词 Yes or No Chapter Ⅱ Nouns 名词 inertia assistance evidence value/values support/supports demand/demands care/cares authority/authorities power and authority exposure/exposures arrangement(s) pursuit (pursue) clue contradiction Chapter Ⅲ Verbs 动词 refute conclude concern participate featured by Chapter Ⅳ Adjectives & Adverbs 形容词和副词 already/all ready faraway/far away anyway/any way masterly other/another inevitably drastic and dramatic just (and only) Chapter Ⅴ General Expressions 通用表达 solving the problem no matter a history of possessives and gerunds formal titles open-ended superlatives aiming to (aimed at) in defiance of countries in the world for.., how many times? for + misplaced subjects/objects How about...? getting rich since modern times so-called development (the development of...) trend and tendency... (and "trendy") aspect not only "and" but also "as well as". |