内容推荐 Python最近在TIOBE排行榜上被评为当今最受欢迎的编程语言,这尤其要感谢这门语言在设计、原型、测试、部署、维护方面所展现出来的广泛适用性。在本书最新的第4版中,无论是专业程序员还是需要使用Python来解决特定领域问题的人,都将学会如何将Python发挥到极致。 由公认的Python专家精心策划,新版专注于3.10版本,完全展现了Python语言取得的最新开创性成果,涵盖了最近发布的Python 3.11。 这本便捷的指南将帮助你: 学习Python如何将数据和程序表示为对象; 理解类型注解的价值和用途; 考察最新版本中出现的各种语言特性; 揭示如何地道地运用现代Python; 学习适当地搭建Python项目; 理解如何测试、调试和优化Python代码。 目录 Preface 1. Introduction to Python The Python Language The Python Standard Library and Extension Modules Python Implementations Python Development and Versions Python Resources Installation Installing Python from Binaries Installing Python from Source Code 2. The Python Interpreter The python Program Python Development Environments Running Python Programs Running Python in the Browser 3. The Python Language Lexical Structure Data Types Variables and Other References Expressions and Operators Numeric Operations Sequence Operations Set Operations Dictionary Operations Control Flow Statements Functions 4. 0bject-0riented Python Classes and Instances Special Methods Decorators Metaclasses 5. Type Annotations History Type-Checking Utilities Type Annotation Syntax The typing Module Using Type Annotations at Runtime How to Add Type Annotations to Your Code Summary 6. Exceptions The try Statement The raise Statement The with Statement and Context Managers Generators and Exceptions Exception Propagation Exception Objects Custom Exception Classes ExceptionGroup and except* Error-Checking Strategies The assert Statement 7. Modules and Packages Module Objects Module Loading Packages Distribution Utilities (distutils) and setuptools Python Environments 8. Core Built-ins and Standard Library Modules Built-in Types Built-in Functions The sys Module The copy Module The collections Module The functools Module The heapq Module The argparse Module The itertools Module 9. Strings and Things Methods of String Objects The string Module String Formatting Text Wrapping and Filling The pprint Module The reprlib Module Unicode 10. Regular Expressions Regular Expressions and the re Module Optional Flags Match Versus Search Anchoring at String Start and End Regular Expression Objects Match Objects Functions of the re Module REs and the := Operator The Third-Party regex Module 11. File and Text Operations The io Module The tempfile Module Auxiliary Modules for File I/O In-Memory Files: io.StringIO and io.ByteslO Archived and Compressed Files The os Module The errno Module The pathlib Module The stat Module The filecmp Module The fnmatch Module The glob Module The shutil Module Text Input and Output Richer-Text I/O Internationalization 12. Persistence and Databases Serialization DBM Modules The Python Database API (DBAPI) 13. Time Operations The time Module The datetime Module The zoneinfo Module The dateutil Module The sched Module The calendar Module 14. Customizing Execution Per-Site Customization Termination Functions Dynamic Execution and exec Internal Types Garbage Collection 15. Concurrency: Threads and Processes Threads in Python The threading Module The queue Module The multiprocessing Module The concurrent.futures Module Threaded Program Architecture Process Environment Running Other Programs The mmap Module 16. Numeric Processing Floating-Point Values The math and cmath Modules The statistics Module The operator Module Random and Pseudorandom Numbers The fractions Module The decimal Module Array Processing 17. Testing, Debugging, and Optimizing Testing Debugging The warnings Module Optimization 18. Networking Basics The Berkeley Socket Interface Transport Layer Security SSLContext 19. Client-Side Network Protocol Modules Email Protocols HTTP and URL Clients Other Network Protocols 20. Serving HTTP http.server WSGI Python Web Frameworks 21. Email, MIME, and Other Network Encodings MIME and Email Format Handling Encoding Binary Data as ASCII Text 22. Structured Text: HTML The html.entities Module The BeautifulSoup Third-P |