内容推荐 C++是在C语言的基础上发展起来的面向对象的程序设计语言,是C语言的超集,所以C++和C语言有密切的关系,C++兼容C语言,在很多方面和C语言是相通的。 本书以初学者为阅读对象,由浅入深地介绍了C/C++语言的基本概念,基本语句和语法,基本算法。在此基础之上,重点编写了九个编程实例,以培养读者用所学的编程知识解决实际问题的能力。 全书共分为六部分。第一部分介绍了C/C++语言的基本概念和基础知识,包括变量和基本的数据类型,基本的程序结构,选择和循环等。第二部分介绍了C/C++语言面向过程部分的核心特征,主要包括函数、数组和指针。第三部分介绍了面向对象的知识,包括类与对象、类的继承等。第四部分介绍了C语言和C++的文件操作。第五部分介绍了九个编程案例,包括基于机器学习和基于硬件的编程。第六部分是附录,列出了本书一些常用专业词汇的中文解释。 本书采用浅显易懂的英文编写,对概念的描述也有新意,适合中国学生阅读,特别适合双语教学的学生阅读。 目录 Part 1 C/C++ Fundamentals Chapter 1 Getting Started with C/C++ 1.1 The C and C++ Programming Language 1.2 Why to Learn C and C++ 1.3 Three Levels of Programming Language 1.4 Interpreted Languages and Compiled Languages 1.5 The Development Tools of C/C++: Compilers and Linkers 1.6 The Development Cycle Chapter Review Chapter 2 Your First C/C++ Program 2.1.1 Create a Win32 Console Application Project 2.1.2 How does it work? 2.2 Your First C++ Program on Codeblocks 2.3 Writing a C Program 2.4 Similarities and Difference between C and C++ Program Chapter Review Programming Exercises Chapter 3 Variables and Operators 3.1 Variables 3.2 Variables and identifiers 3.3 Data Types 3.4 Variables Declaration and Initialization 3.5 Variable Names and Comments 3.6 Operators 3.6.1 Arithmetic Operators 3.6.2 Logical Operators 3.6.3 Bitwise Operators 3.6.4 Relational Operators 3.6.5 Operators Precedence in C/C++ 3.7 Some Much Used Operators in C/ C++ 3.7.1 Increment and Decrement Operator 3.7.2 sizeof()Operator 3.7.3 Modulus(%)Operator 3.7.4 Conditional Operator (?:) 3.7.5 comma "," operator Chapter Review Programming Exercises Chapter 4 Decision Making 4.1 Conditional Operations 4.2 The if Structure 4.2.1 The if Statement 4.2.2 The if-else Statement 4.2.3 Nested if Statements 4.2.4 if-else-if Statement 4.2.5 switch-case statement Programming Exercises Chapter 5 Loops 5.1 for Loop 5.2 while Loop 5.4 for Loops vs while Loops 5.3 do...while Loop 5.5 Loop Control Statement "break" and "continue" 5.5.1 “Break” Statement 5.5.2 "continue" Statement Chapter Review Programming Exercises Part 2 Core Language Features Chapter 6 Arrays 6.1 Declaring an Array 6.2 Initializing an Array 6.3 Accessing Array Elements 6.4 Array out of Bounds 6.5 Address-of Operator (&) 6.6 Pointers in C and C++ 6.7 Dynamic Array Programming Exercises Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 What is a Function 7.2 Library Functions 7.3 User-defined Functions 7.3.1 Defining a Function 7.3.2 Parameters and Arguments 7.3.3 Function Declarations 7.4 Calling a Function 7.4.1 Passing by Value 7.4.2 Passing by Address (or Pointers) 7.4.3 Passing by Reference 7.5 Recursion 7.6 Function Overloading 7.6.1 Function Overloading by Having Different types of Parameters 7.6.2 Function Overloading by Having Different Number of Parameters Programming Exercises Part 3 Object Oriented Programming Chapter 8 Strings 8.1 String Assignment 8.2 String Comparison 8.3 String Concatenation 8.4 String Functions 8.5 String Operations Chapter Review Programming Exercises Chapter 9 Classes and Objects 9.1 Data Encapsulation 9.2 Declaring a Class 9.3 Defining a Member Function 9.3.1 Getter and Setter 9.3.2 Implementing Member Functions 9.4 Creating an Object 9.5 Constructors for Initialization 9.6 Destructor 9.7 Air ticket example for classes and objects 9.8 Friend Function of a Class 9.9 Operator Overloading Chapter Review Programming Exercises Chapter 10 Inheritance 10.1 Implementing Inheritance 10.2 Types of Inheritance 10.3 Access Modes in C++ Inheritance 10.4 Example for Inheritance 10.5 Air Ticket Example for Inheritance 10.6 Polymorphism in C++ Chapter Review Programming Exercises Part 4 File Operating Chapter 11 Files and Stream 11.1 Types of Files 11.2 File Operations in C++ 11.2.1 Creating/Opening a File Usin |